makeup and beauty

Colourpop Haul

  Do you have a case of whiplash?  If you do, it may be due to the barrage of new makeup collections that can make your head spin.  You’ll feel a rush of purchase urgency when your email inbox is flooded with a sea of emails telling you about the latest fantastical foundations or luscious… Continue reading Colourpop Haul


Stay Cool August Glossybox

As I mentioned in my August Ipsy post, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of autumn.  I'm working on fending off a cold along with an autoimmune flare.  Summer colds are particularly annoying because you're usually battling the heat while trying to break a fever.  It's total hot garbage juice!  I was in a prednisone… Continue reading Stay Cool August Glossybox

makeup and beauty

Over Easy, I Love Ipsy

I swear that it feels like I blinked my eyes and July has almost come to an end.  Where did the summer go?  Only one month to go before September.  Here in the northeastern part of the United States, we haven't seen the brutal heat that my friends in the western region of the country… Continue reading Over Easy, I Love Ipsy

makeup and beauty

Get Glowing with Glossybox

Do I have too many beauty products?  In my humble opinion, no.  Although I often find myself mumbling to myself "We're gonna need a bigger boat" when trying to find the space for new arrivals.  But if you're looking to curb spending too much dough on beauty goods, subscription services are the most bang for… Continue reading Get Glowing with Glossybox

makeup and beauty

In the Rotation: Faves by NYX

Years ago, I was walking though the makeup aisle with a friend who moonlighted as a drag queen.  He suddenly stopped in his tracks and started excitedly grabbing what seemed like a hundred lipsticks off of the shelves.  A stream of consciousness flowed from his lips gushing about his love of the brand NYX.  I… Continue reading In the Rotation: Faves by NYX

makeup and beauty

June Ipsy: Volume Up

It’s time again to rip open that shiny pink envelope and take a peek inside.  It may be the first of July but I recently received my June Ipsy glam bag.  Ipsy (check Ipsy out here) wants you to be seen and be heard with this June’s theme Volume Up.  All the goodies are stashed… Continue reading June Ipsy: Volume Up

makeup and beauty

Ipsy May Glam Bag

I have a tendency to place online orders and forget what I ordered.  I know it’s not only me who has done this.  Admit it!  Brown or white boxes arrive and I have no idea what the contents are before I tear it open.  You’ll then hear my screaming “Ahhhhh!  I forgot I ordered this… Continue reading Ipsy May Glam Bag